Thursday, June 30, 2011

NICHIDO SWEET PEA Quick Product Review

Since my promise of a lippies review have been long overdue. I've done two Quick Product review. And here's the Second one. ;)

PRODUCT: NICHIDO Matte Lipstick in Sweet Pea

Again, this one is a brand locally available in the Philippines. 
I've bought this one months ago and only now did i find time blogging about it. 

So let's start shall we?? ;)

SWEET PEA is a pink-orangey shade.

WHAT I ♥ ABOUT the product:
        - Product is locally available and practically purchasable in most of the department stores.
        - It's affordable P185($4) a tube.
        - It has a cute packaging. It has a lip balm on it's top cover.
        - I love it's girly-girl pink color
        - Scent is bearable

        - It's very drying. You have to apply a gloss or a lip balm underneath. My lips easily chaps when applying this lipstick.
        - Non long lasting

Ciao for now.


      Opinions expressed by the author are purely based on her own personal view and doesn't reflect any of the said product. Colors might differ on every person due to differences of base lip color. Please also take note that the lighting and setting of the photo/camera might affect the actual color of the lipstick.

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