Monday, May 2, 2011

Caught in a BAD HAIRCUT

I've tried almost every hairstyle from short bob cut, to medium length hair, to long kinky hair, to rebonded hair and long curly hair.

MY DIFFERENT HAIRSTYLES (sorted by length): 

                                                                     BOB CUT
was taken during 2008 during the time when everybody else had short hair.;)             
                                                                                THE OUTGROWN BOB CUT
I don't know what's it's called but this was taken 2009 during boogs' graduation blow-out

For unexplainable reasons, i had several different hairstyles as documented in 2008:

taken in november,  2009 @ punchline
During our traditional tropicana picture taking
2009 @ Wedding expo in PIC

I really love growing my hair long, but i also love having haircut as much too. However, everytime i really, really wanted to have a haircut so bad, it always turns out as a disaster.
taken 2007 during our zambales trip
 AND FINALLY, Before my latest chop shock:
My Recent hairstyle before my terrible chopshock
(PS. i didn't post any pics of my latest hairstyle because i refuse to take a photo of it. =))

After months of growing my hair long, i decided to have it revamped today. Actually i only wanted to have my hair get banged! Unfortunately, and AGAIN for the 'nth time there was a misunderstanding with the stylist. She didn't cut my bangs the way i directed her and worse, she cut my hair SHORTER!!.. ='( "TAKTE!...I SWEAR! Parang muntik na ko makasapak ng tao agad-agad pagkatapos!... HOOOOO!!.. BUHAY!.. .. ='((
I guess, i have to redo the whole process of growing my hair long. *SIGH* . All my plans of having my hair permed have to be postponed, AGAIN. I'm thinking of using a hair grower to speed up the process a bit. 

till then,



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