Wednesday, June 29, 2011

MY Dearest Sister's Birthday at DAD's part 1

My card reader broke and so, I bought a new one. Thus, having this LATE post last June 12. 

My sister Gladys' birthday is on the 13th of June, however it fell on a Monday so we celebrated a day earlier. It feels a little weird because we have to meet her at a certain place, unlike the past years where we would all just go at the same time. Oh well, that's for the fact that she's already married. It's just kind of sad because we didn't get to spend much time together due to the limited time that we have. =( But nevertheless, it's still another happy bonding moment.

This year, we spent Glad's birthday at Dad's Glorietta. It's sort of annoying because Glad and her husband came LATE as usual.

While walking way pass the breadtalk we saw this cutie little cake called Mango Furomaji. Ain't this cake cutie patootie!?

Glad's and Mike (her husband) were so late and so we took ths chance to have snapshot of the cutie cake.

That day, I Screw my diet and dig in to these munchy sweet foodies. Who can resist these heavenly sweet treats!?
My "First" lunch plate. Take note, FIRST. ;D
Mamy's seafood plate
Yummie vanilla ice cream.. *slurp*
Choco mousse 
My desert plate
Having a great talk
I have entitled this post as PART 1 because my i'm having a hard time uploding pictures. I don't know why! I'm guessing it's all because of the annoying connection of our dsl. I'll be posting another blog entry for the rest of the pictures.

Ciao for now.


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