Monday, August 1, 2011

ED Westwick For Penshoppe

I personally don't have this philosophy of love at first sight nor believes in first impressions last. As a matter of fact, I've proven this two statements rather not applicable for me. 

When i first watched an episode of Gossip Girl,a popular series about teenagers with unique and exquisite fashion sense, friendship, betrayal as well as sexual dilemmas not to mention of course the juicy GOSSIPS of the unknown identity of "GOSSIP GIRL".

True enough, I was able to prove this belief upon seeing Ed Wastwick aka Chuck Bass. His formal sense of style, his bad ass attitude and his overall appearance doesn't appeal to me at first. I'd rather like Chase Crawford aka Nate Archibald. But when his love-hate relatonship with Blair Waldorf began, I actually also started falling in ove with his character. But like Blair's feelings for chuck , im more on the inner side rather than his superficial feature. ;) 

When i Heard about him coming to the Philippines to be an endorser for a certain clothing line, I really got excited and surprised. But when i heard of the news, Unfortunately, it was over a month ago pa pala. And i only realized that he visited the Philippines already because i saw one of his billboard along Edsa and in the malls. TSK! TSK! POOR ME. I'm so late when it comes to gossips and news. awwwww. 

Anyway, I find him so cute and so hunky and classy in his Ads.

This was the same billboard that caught my attention along Edsa
Ain't he Charming??

 This one looks Seducting to me. haha

Disclaimer: All Photos are properties of Penshope. I Don't own the photos.

Ciao For now.


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