Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Days Once More =)

I'm soooo excited for Monday! It's like going back to school on a first day. I'm filled with different emotions. I'm thrilled, anxious, happy and most of all, excited! I get to go back to practice my profession and hopefully this time it's for good. Being a nurse is the thing i really wanted to do and at the same time it's the only profession i know i'll do good. And i thank God for letting me do what i do best. 

Everything happened from slow motion to fast forward. And that said, i don't know if i could do everything in so little time. I have to buy and prepare stuffs i need for Monday. My uniform's not even made until Sunday afternoon. AARRRRGGHH!! And for that reason, I also have to cancel attending my friend's christening for her daughter. Well, it's just an excuse but yeah, you can also say that. hahaha. 

Because of the little time i have. I have to list things that i need to do and i need to buy.

Cramming Sessions once more

 Echos lang yan planner na yan.. hindi naman talaga ko nagpa planner! I just want to feel the moment... hahaha

Hopefully i'll be able to get things done before Monday. haaaaayyyy... I'm Uber Excited!.. 

Ciao for now.


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