Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Hello" From Duty and Lipstick Review Preview

Okay. So, I've been lost in the blog circulation lately because i am now spending my time upgrading my nursing career. It's been a while since i sort of spend some time having a duty. I must admit i'm having a culture shock right now and i'm still having difficulties absorbing how things should be done. AAAARRRGGGHHH!! Information OVERLOAD! 

Anyway, since it's been ages since i have done a review, I think it's time for me to do another LIPSTICK REVIEW! YAY! You read it right! I will do another quick review of another lipstick that i have been using for quite some time now in a few days. So better watch out for it! I'll be posting pictures of me wearing that lipstick plus reviews of the product. ;)

Here's a Quick Post of the Product:

Ciao for now.


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