Monday, May 30, 2011

First Day Funk

First Day. How will i even begin to explain my first day at the hospital. Like what Cady Heron said at the movie, Mean Girls, "The first day of duty was a blur. A stressful, surreal blur." I am lost. Completely LOST. I don't know what i'm saying. I don't know what i'm doing. I acted and looked like an awkward-looking-IDIOT. I just stand there awkwardly and staring at the nurses blankly. I feel so stupid and dumb. ='( I suddenly feel so small and realized that my years are so behind me. I feel so withdrawn because of my batch and my age and my hospital experience. I realized how much time i have wasted. Years that i should be growing personally and professionally. I wanted to blame someone else. But the blame is all on me. ='( I feel so insecure. I just hope that i will be able to prove myself and everybody else of my capabilities and skills. This is my last shot. If ever i fail on this, i don't know what else i'm gonna do. I just pray that God would help me go through this. ='(

Ciao for now.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Days Once More =)

I'm soooo excited for Monday! It's like going back to school on a first day. I'm filled with different emotions. I'm thrilled, anxious, happy and most of all, excited! I get to go back to practice my profession and hopefully this time it's for good. Being a nurse is the thing i really wanted to do and at the same time it's the only profession i know i'll do good. And i thank God for letting me do what i do best. 

Everything happened from slow motion to fast forward. And that said, i don't know if i could do everything in so little time. I have to buy and prepare stuffs i need for Monday. My uniform's not even made until Sunday afternoon. AARRRRGGHH!! And for that reason, I also have to cancel attending my friend's christening for her daughter. Well, it's just an excuse but yeah, you can also say that. hahaha. 

Because of the little time i have. I have to list things that i need to do and i need to buy.

Cramming Sessions once more

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

OOTD: May 21, 2011

My first "Outfit of the Day" Post. Please bear with me.. =)

Dress from: 168 ;)
Shoes from: Chelsea, Landmark
Bag from: Charles and Keith

Ciao for now.


Tayo na sa ANTIPOLO

Well, i've been gone from a couple of days now. And it's only until this moment that i find time posting in my blog. Well, this post was kind of late since this was supposedly a blog entry for last Saturday. But oh well, BETTER LATE THAN NEVER... ;)

Every year, my family and i always make sure that we were able to go to Antipolo to hear mass every month of May. Having to commute, Rain or Shine, that doesn't stop us from visiting the Shrine of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage/Imaculate Conception Parish. It's our family vow. My mom said that all she had wish to Our Lady of Peace and Voyage came true. =)

This year, we made our visit last saturday, may 21. It's kinda sad because glad's wasn't able to join us because for 1) she's already married and 2) she's pregnant. Although it feels that we were incomplete, (you what they say) the show must go on.
Ofcourse since NIKKO's already with us, we didn't let this chance pass without having our kodakan session.

Shrine of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage's Altar
And everytime we go to Antipolo church we never fail to visit the statue of Our Lady of Peace and Voyage and say our short prayers.

From Pit Stop going back to the RACE

The past four years has been the longest pit stop in my life. I've been going through more down moments than positive ones. And the more i tried to be happy the more i struggled to have a better life. My life has been undergoing it's dark phase. 

I almost gave up trying until last Monday. I received a phone call from something i was hoping for from the past 4 years. And this morning, it was my time to redeem what has been withheld from me for so long. It was a make or break moment. And I asked God that if nursing isn't really for me, then just lead me to the right path. But this afternoon, God lead me to the path he wanted me to take. I did my best and he did the rest. 

On Monday, i shall be starting a new life. A life God chose for me. God has taken my life out of the darkness and into the light. It's a new start. A new chance to win against the race of life. 

Ciao for now.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Note to Future Self 3

Dearest Future Patty,

You are now thorn between the Future and the Past. You know that all you wanted to do is just to move forward but things just keeps on dragging you to the past. Depression has it's own way of block mailing you of the skeletons you kept in your closet which you thought you have dragged out. But apparently, you were wrong. You still have a couple more of that skeletons hiding inside. And for some reasons, they weren't going anywhere. Depression made it sure that he will be able to use it against you. Please hang on Future Patty. I know you'll be able to survive everything and anything. Just HANG ON. 

Until then,

Present PATTY.. =))

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

DIY: Glittery Nails

I hardly go to salon to have my nails done. Yes, i do have my regular foot spa and pedicure but that's,that.When it comes to manicure and hand nail polish application, i'd rather apply nail polish myself than pay for something that will only last, let's say a day or even hours. =)

As a teenager, i find glittery nail polish pretty. But that changed as i age. OUCH! Fortunately, glittery nails are making it's come back and so, i decided why don't i give it another try. I went to Landmark at Trinoma last week and upon browsing the shelves of nail polishes, i found this interesting nail polish by caress which is called christmas polka. It's quite similar to Deborah Lippmann's happy birthday nail polish and only cost around P24.75($0.57). It's such a steal compared to deborah lippman's price which is $18 (around P774). Without second thought, i bought the nail polish! YAY!
Notice the Price? What a STEAL!! =)
LEFT: Deborah Lippman's Happy Birthday
RIGHT: Caress' Christmas Polka

Monday, May 16, 2011

Note to Future Self 2

Dearest Future Patty,

Today, depression visited you. It's been quite a while since he last saw you. He's insisting to see you since last wednesday but decided to come today. He's been hanging around since this morning, but his aura has been haunting you since last week. As usual, he ask you the same question that he always ask, "WHY" and "What went wrong"? At first you pretended that you didn't hear anything at all and just completely ignore his presence. He repeatedly questioned you for what was happening to your life until you can no longer ignore him. His persistence and determination prevails. And when you tried to answer his questions, he mocked you, and belittled you once more. Tonight, he's insisting that he'll stay beside you. The night will be long and in no time, misery and loneliness will be coming over to accompany you and depression. I just hope that when we see each other in the future, you have completely turn your back to depression, misery and loneliness.

Until then..


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Chop Shock: Hair Redo #1

Remember my previous Post? Well, Guess what!? I found a way to somehow lessen it's cruel output. 


My Brother is a SAGALA! ;)

Well, It's May month once again (actually, it's the third week of may), month of flowers, the last month to go swimming and outing and most of all, the time for little girls and tweeners or sometime the adults to be part of the "Flores de Mayo", "Santacruzan" or more commonly known as the "Sagala".

As a girl, i always dreamed of becoming one of the sagalas. But, as I've said, i'm not the type of girl who always catches the adults attention and  gets well praises of  "Wow, ang ganda naman ng batang yun." I often get the  "Ay yan ba ang panganay mo? a pause then, Ay ang laki na." comment more. awwww. It somehow changed when i grew up, but that's a different blog entry. 

Anyway, my younger sister and brother has a different story though. They became part of the Mr. and Ms. United Nations, parade around the city as the muse and escort of our church organization and so on and so forth. I, as the eldest sister, I play the role of the "Stage ATE".

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Moving Forward

Since my horrible mishap on love few months ago, i refused to watch or hear nor read anything about that 4-letter-word, LOVE. The more hurt i feel, the BITTER my heart went on and the BITTER my heart is, the more i treat other people like crap. I became shallow, irritable, bitchy, selfish, cruel and self-centered. Because my past relationship treated me cruelly, i thought that i should give back to myself and think highly of myself this time which unconsiderably making it hard for other people to comfort me and worst, living with me. Unconciously, i'm shooing away even those persons who cared enough to comfort me even though i'm the hardest person to deal with. I always contradict my friend's stories about their relationships and always compared theirs to my own failed relationship.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

DIY: Strappy sandals Revamped

I'm a very "D-I-Y" type of person. I love personalizing stuffs and possibly make everything up on my own. If i can do something up without spending much, the better. It's fun plus it's cheap. It's also a rewarding experience once you see the results of your own project.

Here's one of my DIY Project. A revamping of my old boring unused strappy sandals.

paint brush & poster paint or any permanent paint of your choice
(i chose metallic gold color)
an unused boring sandal.. =)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Caught in a BAD HAIRCUT

I've tried almost every hairstyle from short bob cut, to medium length hair, to long kinky hair, to rebonded hair and long curly hair.

MY DIFFERENT HAIRSTYLES (sorted by length): 

                                                                     BOB CUT
was taken during 2008 during the time when everybody else had short hair.;)             
                                                                                THE OUTGROWN BOB CUT
I don't know what's it's called but this was taken 2009 during boogs' graduation blow-out

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